Monday, 2 October 2017

10 Home Tips to Boost Hair Growth

Brush the hair daily to stimulate circulation. To promote growth we can rinse it with an infusion of rosemary, with which we will get a long, strong and shiny hair

There is no magic formula that can accelerate hair growth from one day to the next and make it grow several centimeters in a single month.

For healthy hair growth it is very important to stimulate it, provide all the nutrients it needs, and combat the damage caused by various environmental factors.

At present there are many products and treatments that promise to accelerate the growth of hair to show off the desired mane; however, most of these products hide in misleading advertising and in the end the results are not as good as expected.

Luckily, there are some simple, natural tricks that can help boost hair growth every day, while strengthening it and keeping it shiny.
If you are looking to accelerate the growth of your hair and still have not been able to achieve, do not miss the following tips that will help you achieve the goal.

Choose a suitable brush

Brushes of plastic or metallic bristles tend to be aggressive with your hair and end up ruining it.
Instead of choosing those of this type, opt for those that are natural and soft bristles with your hair.

Stimulates the circulation of your hair

Every morning, stimulate the circulation of your scalp with at least 50 soft brushes.
Keep in mind that the movements must be uniform, from the root to the tips.
Do not forget to read: Hairfinity Hair Growth Pills

Massage the scalp

Every night before going to sleep, spend a few minutes on your scalp doing gentle massages with the fingertips of both hands.
A good option is to use rosemary or coconut essential oil for best results.

Cut tips regularly

Although it seems contradictory to advise cutting the ends of the hair when you want to have it longer, the fact is that this step is very important to achieve a rapid and healthy growth.
By cutting the tips of your hair you are removing the damaged parts and you are giving rise to oxygenation.

Potato water

Among the most popular natural remedies to boost hair growth is traditional potato water.
When you cook the potatoes in water, reserve the remaining liquid and then apply it as a rinse of the hair.
Potatoes contain starch , an ingredient that contributes to growth and brings volume to the hair .


Although it does not have the best odor, the onion contains sulfurized components that contribute to hair growth and nutrition.
To use it can be chopped a bit and add it to the shampoo commonly used. Let it sit in the shampoo for fifteen days and then use it as a treatment.

Rosemary infusion

The properties of rosemary nourish and strengthen hair, helping it to grow in a healthy way. In fact, this plant is used in the cosmetic industry as an active ingredient in hair treatments.
Prepare an infusion of rosemary by placing a handful of leaves in a pot with boiling water. Let it cool and then rinse every day with the liquid obtained.

The result of frequent use is longer, stronger and brighter hair .

Do not forget to read: Simple and Effective Tricks to Accelerate Hair Growth

Birth control pills

For years the trick of contraceptive pills to grow hair has become very popular for its effectiveness and ease of use.
All you have to do is crush four birth control pills and add them to the shampoo. It is left to concentrate for a couple of days and then it begins to be used in a habitual way for a longer and bulky hair.

Grape seed oil

This ingredient contains antioxidant compounds that help fight free radicals, responsible for slowing hair growth.
This has been popularized as a natural ingredient that contributes to enhance hair growth .
Get grape oil at a nearby herbal store and then apply it all over the scalp .

Aloe vera

Although the properties of this ingredient stand out in terms of skin care, it has also been proven to have a positive effect on hair nutrition and growth .
Extract the aloe vera gel and insert it into your usual shampoo bottle . Mix the product well so that the aloe is well incorporated and wash the head with this shampoo every day.